Recently, the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) adjusted its policy of pesticide use for cannabis and hemp plants in the state.
Before this adjustment, the Commonwealth formerly prohibited any use of pesticides on cannabis and hemp plants. This adjustment comes with an interesting insight into the cultivation and manufacturing of cannabis and their impact on the chain of custody for the legal Massachusetts market.
First and foremost, we want to make clear that we use absolutely zero pesticides in our growing operations, and for this reason, we can proudly say that the cannabis Lazy River Products cultivates is some of the cleanest product in the entire country!
Read on to learn everything you need to know about this latest adjustment to cannabis cultivation in Massachusetts.
Pesticide Use on Marijuana in Massachusetts: What to Know
In a policy memo released in November 2022, the MDAR reinstated its initial prohibition of pesticides on cannabis or hemp in Massachusetts, due to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) not allowing the use of registered pesticides or products for such use.
The MDAR’s policy memo continues, stating:
“The topic of pests and how to control pests would be of concern to cultivators relative to the health and value of any crop, as pesticides are used as one of the many tools to control such pests.
Since the passing of the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018, when hemp was removed from the Controlled Substance list, pesticide manufacturers have been able to amend pesticide labels to include hemp, and such there are now EPA-registered products that include its use.
Furthermore, because hemp and marijuana are both cannabis and only distinguished legally by THC level, MDAR will allow the use of pesticides on hemp to be extended to marijuana as well, provided such use is in accordance with this Pesticide Use on Marijuana Policy.”
Additionally, the MDAR released a list of conditions that are required for this new use of pesticides on hemp and cannabis:
- The product used must be registered with the EPA.
- The product must be registered for use in Massachusetts.
- If a product has two different rates of use for either tobacco or hemp plants, the applicator must use the lower of the two.
- The product must be used without “days to harvest” for indoor use, to address any indoor worker safety concerns.
- The active ingredient must be food tolerance exempt.
- The product being used on cannabis cultivated in an indoor setting must be labeled for use on hemp in a greenhouse.
This new pesticide use policy is currently in effect for cannabis and hemp cultivators in the state of Massachusetts, although the entire community has formed differing perspectives and angles on how exactly this will impact cannabis overall.
Keeping Cannabis Clean & Pesticide-Free at Lazy River
When it comes to understanding this major cannabis policy shift in Massachusetts, it’s important to keep in mind the MDAR does not allow all pesticide products to be used on cannabis.
The products must be EPA-approved and designed to mitigate multiple insecticides and fungicides. However, many more natural pesticide approaches don’t require such usable chemicals on cannabis plants. Plus, it’s a healthier and safer option for consumers and cultivators!
As we mentioned above, no pesticides are ever used during our cultivation process.
At Lazy River Products, we believe in starting clean and staying clean! Through our efficient and sustainable standard operations and the expertise of our excellent cultivation team, Lazy River is proud to be keeping cannabis clean and growing the purest flower and least “tampered-with” cannabis products you’ll find on the market.
No matter the changing policies or regulations that now grant the use of EPA-approved pesticides, at Lazy River we believe in a ‘start clean and stay clean’ mentality to provide the best in quality products to all.
Stay tuned to our Blog page for the latest updates about cannabis in Massachusetts & the New England area!
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