2022 Lazy River Products Broadway Road Cleanup in Dracut
The 3rd Annual Lazy River Products Broadway Road Cleanup took place on 10/01.22. The 18+ employee volunteers wore bright orange vests and picked up trash from CVS all the way to Dunkins just before the Methuen line. Before this years event a 15 second moment of silence was held to remember Peter C. Niarhos and the good Greek that he was. He will be missed but not forgotten.
This cleanup up effort was coordinated with the Dracut DPW, Dracut Town Hall, and the Dracut Police department. We would like to give a big thank you to all the Lazy River Employees, Town Manager Ann Vandal, Chief Bartlet, Sergeant Michael Williams, Sergeant Gregg Byam, UMass Lowell Police, and especially everyone at The Dracut DPW for helping Lazy River Products put together this great community event.
“Give Back, Grow, Succeed”
Lazy River Products
Lazy River Products

Remembering Peter C. Niarhos
Peter C. Niarhos was a great friend to the people at Lazy River Products. Peter involved himself in a number of Lazy Rivers Events including our first few Riverfests, as well as a number of charitable-related events like the one we held today, the “Broadway Road Cleanup Project”.
Peter was under no obligation to do any of this. He was a great collaborator, consummate business professional, and friend to the company and Ownership Group.
A “tip of the hat” to Peter C. Niarhos. We missed you, today friend.
A 15-second moment of silence was held before the commencement of today’s event to remember Peter and the good Greek that he was. He will be missed but not forgotten.
Peter C. Niarhos
Mar 12, 1960 – Sept 19, 2022
- Tags: Broadway Road Cleanup, Community, Dracut
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